CD34+ Stem Cell Selection for Patients Receiving Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Non-Malignant Disease

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This study's goal is to determine the frequency and severity of acute graft versus host disease, to evaluate incidence of primary and secondary graft rejection, to assess event free survival and overall survival, to determine the time to neutrophil and platelet engraftment, to determine the time to immune reconstitution (including normalization of T, B and natural killer (NK) cell repertoire and Immunoglobulin G production), and to establish the incidence of infectious complications including bacterial, viral, fungal and atypical mycobacterial and other infections following CD34+ selection in children, adolescents and young adults receiving an allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant from a family member or unrelated adult donor for a non-malignant disease.

More information:, ITHANET Clinical Trials