IthaID: 365

Names and Sequences

Functionality: Globin gene causative mutation Pathogenicity: N/A
Common Name: -α3.7;CD 31 AGG>--G HGVS Name: NG_000006.1:g.[33869_33870del;34247_38050del]
Hb Name: N/A Protein Info: N/A

Also known as:

Comments: The 2 nucleotide deletion c.94_95delAG was found on a chromosome that carries the -3.7 kb deletion (-α3.7) [IthaD:300]. The deletion of 'AG' on codon 31 in exon 1 creates a frameshift and premature truncation of the α-globin protein after 25 amino acids (p.Arg31AspfsX25) at codon 55. The in cis variation presented with mild hypochromic microcytic anaemia consistent with α-thalassaemia trait in the heterozygous state and with HbH disease in the presence of Hb G-Philadelphia [IthaID:596]. HGVS name reports deletion breakpoints in -α3.7 (type I) [IthaID: 300] and should be used with caution.

We follow the HGVS sequence variant nomenclature and IUPAC standards.

External Links


Hemoglobinopathy Group: Thalassaemia
Hemoglobinopathy Subgroup: α-thalassaemia
Allele Phenotype:α⁺
Associated Phenotypes: N/A


Chromosome: 16
Locus: NG_000006.1
Locus Location: 33869 or 34247
Size: 2 bp or 3.804 kb
Located at: α2, α3.7 hybrid

Other details

Type of Mutation: Combination
Ethnic Origin: American Black
Molecular mechanism: Altered α1β1 interface
Inheritance: Recessive
DNA Sequence Determined: Yes

In silico pathogenicity prediction

Publications / Origin

  1. Rieder RF, Woodbury DH, Rucknagel DL, The interaction of alpha-thalassaemia and haemoglobin G Philadelphia., Br J Haematol, 32(2), 159-65, 1976
  2. Sancar GB, Tatsis B, Cedeno MM, Rieder RF, Proportion of hemoglobin G Philadelphia (alpha 268 Asn leads to Lys beta 2) in heterozygotes is determined by alpha-globin gene deletions., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 77(11), 6874-8, 1980
  3. Safaya S, Rieder RF, Dysfunctional alpha-globin gene in hemoglobin H disease in blacks. A dinucleotide deletion produces a frameshift and a termination codon., The Journal of biological chemistry, 263(9), 4328-32, 1988
  4. Zhao P, Buller-Burckle AM, Peng M, Anderson A, Han ZJ, Gallivan MV, Secondary mutation (c.94_95delAG) in a -α3.7 allele associated with Hb H disease in two unrelated African American individuals homozygous for the -α(3.7) deletion (-α3.7/-α3.7T)., Hemoglobin , 36(1), 103-7, 2012
Created on 2010-06-16 16:13:15, Last reviewed on 2024-03-08 10:56:53 (Show full history)

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